God Sees, God Feels

“5. The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention for the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.  And the Lord regretted that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart.” Genesis 6:5-6 ESV


In 1990, in the midst of the Persian Gulf War, the American singer and actress Bette Midler released a cover of Julie Gold’s song “From A Distance,” a song whose lyrics urge people to take a step back to view the world we live in from a different perspective. The song's lyrics have been included on greeting cards and translated into multiple languages, and it was once played as a wake-up call for astronauts in the space shuttle as they prepared for a spacewalk. The song lyrics revolve around a chorus in which the writer appeals to her audience, proclaiming:

 “God is watching us,

God is watching us,

God is watching us from a distance.” 


In the sixth chapter of Genesis, the biblical story presents a bleak picture of the state of humankind. As humankind spread across the earth, so did their wickedness. The Bible states:

“5. The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention for the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.  6. And the Lord regretted that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart.” Genesis 6:5-6

Though the lyrics of the Grammy Award-winning song remind us that God sees all that we do, they fail to capture the truth that our God is a relational, emotional being. He is an up close and personal God who seeks a relationship with humankind. God sees past our actions straight to the condition of our hearts. What we do and how we think are of utmost importance to Him. We must always remember that we were created for an intimate relationship with Him, to reflect His glory (Gen 1:27), and when we fall short, He grieves.  

Explore the Word
Genesis 6:1-7
Ephesians 4:30


Abba, thank you for creating me to have a relationship with you. I know that, like any good Father, you want the very best for me, and when my actions fall short of your expectations, you correct me out of your care and love. Lord, I pray that as I grow deeper in my relationship with you, the condition of my heart will be transformed so that my actions bring you joy. Amen.

Yours in Christ,



Where Grace Abounds


Amazing Grace